Package io.tarantool.driver

Tarantool Client implementation based on the Netty transport and official MessagePack serializer implementation. Usage example:

     TarantoolClientConfig config = new TarantoolClientConfig.Builder()
         .withCredentials(new SimpleTarantoolCredentials("admin", "1q2w3e"))

     // using try-with-resources (auto close)
     try (StandaloneTarantoolClient client = new StandaloneTarantoolClient(config).connect("localhost", 3301)) {

         // built-in tuple type

         TarantoolResult<TarantoolTuple> tuples ="test")
             // using index named "secondary"
                     new TarantoolSelectOptions.Builder().withLimit(10).build())
             .get(); // using CompletableFuture in synchronous way

         // tuples can be iterated over
         tuples.forEach((t) -> System.out.println(String.format("Tuple ID=%d, name=%s",
             // Field interface with built-in primitive types conversions
             // Since each row can contain different number of fields, each field is wrapped in Optional
             // Tuple interface for working with raw objects.
             // The mapper provided in config must contain a converter for the corresponding target type
             t.getObject(1, String.class).orElseThrow(RuntimeException::new))));

         // user-defined tuple type

         // using primary index
         TarantoolIndexQuery query = new TarantoolIndexQuery(TarantoolIndexQuery.PRIMARY);
         TarantoolResult<CustomTuple> customTuples ="test")
                     // specifying select options is mandatory to avoid unwanted loading of too much data
                     // the default parameters are set to unlimited, though
                     new TarantoolSelectOptions(),
                     // convert raw MessagePack array to object by hand
                     (v) -> new CustomTuple(v.get(0).asIntegerValue().asInt(), v.get(1).asStringValue().asString()))

             (t) -> System.out.println(String.format("Tuple ID=%d, name=%s", t.getId(), t.getName())));

     } catch (TarantoolClientException | IOException | InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
         // checked exceptions