Documentation for tarantool-c


tarantool-c is a client library that implements a C connector for Tarantool (see

The tarantool-c library depends on the msgpuck library (see

The tarantool-c library consists of two parts:

  • tnt, an IProto/networking library
  • tntrpl, a library for working with snapshots, xlogs and a replication client (this library is not ported to Tarantool 1.6 yet, so it isn’t covered in this documentation set)


You can clone source code from the “tarantool-c” repository at GitHub and use cmake/make to compile and install the tarantool-c library:

$ git clone git:// ~/tarantool-c --recursive
$ cd ~/tarantool-c
$ cmake .
$ make

#### For testing against installed tarantool:
$ make test

#### For installing into system (headers+libraries):
$ make install

#### For building documentation using Sphinx:
$ cd doc
$ make sphinx-html

Or you can install it as a package:

#### In Fedora/RHEL/CentOS/Amazon Linux:
$ yum install tarantool-c tarantool-c-devel

#### In Ubuntu/Debian:
$ apt-get install libtarantool-c libtarantool-c-dev

#### In Mac OS X:
$ brew install tarantool-c
