Building a request with “tnt_request”

Basic types

enum tnt_iterator_t

Custom iterator type. Possible values:

  • TNT_ITER_EQ - Equality iterator
  • TNT_ITER_REQ - Reverse equality iterator
  • TNT_ITER_ALL - Receive all elements
  • TNT_ITER_LT - “Less than” iterator
  • TNT_ITER_LE - “Less or equal” iterator
  • TNT_ITER_GE - “Greater or equal” iterator
  • TNT_ITER_GT - “Greater than” iterator
  • TNT_ITER_BITS_ALL_SET - All specified bits are set (bitset specific)
  • TNT_ITER_BITS_ANY_SET - Any specified bits are set (bitset specific)
  • TNT_ITER_BITS_ALL_NOT_SET - All specified bits are not set (bitset specific)
  • TNT_ITER_OVERLAP - Search for tuples with overlapping rectangles (R-tree specific)
  • TNT_ITER_NEIGHBOR - Search for the nearest neighbour (R-tree specific)
enum tnt_request_type

Request type. Possible values:

  • TNT_OP_CALL_16
struct tnt_request

Base request object. It contains all parts of a request.

struct tnt_request {
    struct {
        uint64_t sync;
        enum tnt_request_type type;
    } hdr;
    uint32_t space_id;
    uint32_t index_id;
    uint32_t offset;
    uint32_t limit;
    enum tnt_iterator_t iterator;
    const char * key;
    const char * key_end;
    struct tnt_stream * key_object;
    const char * tuple;
    const char * tuple_end;
    struct tnt_stream * tuple_object;
    int index_base;
    int alloc;

See field descriptions further in this section.

Creating a request

struct tnt_request *tnt_request_init(struct tnt_request *req)

Allocate and initialize a request.

struct tnt_request *tnt_request_select(struct tnt_request *req)
struct tnt_request *tnt_request_insert(struct tnt_request *req)
struct tnt_request *tnt_request_replace(struct tnt_request *req)
struct tnt_request *tnt_request_update(struct tnt_request *req)
struct tnt_request *tnt_request_delete(struct tnt_request *req)
struct tnt_request *tnt_request_call(struct tnt_request *req)
struct tnt_request *tnt_request_call_16(struct tnt_request *req)
struct tnt_request *tnt_request_auth(struct tnt_request *req)
struct tnt_request *tnt_request_eval(struct tnt_request *req)
struct tnt_request *tnt_request_upsert(struct tnt_request *req)
struct tnt_request *tnt_request_ping(struct tnt_request *req)

Shortcuts for allocating and initializing requests of specific types.

Request header

uint64_t tnt_request.hdr.sync

Sync ID number of a request. Generated automatically when the request is compiled.

enum tnt_request_type tnt_request.hdr.type

Type of a request.

User-defined request fields

uint32_t tnt_request.space_id
uint32_t tnt_request.index_id
uint32_t tnt_request.offset
uint32_t tnt_request.limit

Space and index ID numbers, offset and limit for SELECT (specified in records).

Set/get request fields and functions

int tnt_request_set_iterator(struct tnt_request *req, enum tnt_iterator_t iter)

Set an iterator type for SELECT.

Field that is set in tnt_request:

enum tnt_iterator_t iterator;
int tnt_request_set_key(struct tnt_request *req, struct tnt_stream *s)
int tnt_request_set_key_format(struct tnt_request *req, const char *fmt, ...)

Set a key (both key start and end) for SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE from a stream object.

Or set a key using the print-like function tnt_object_vformat(). Take fmt format string followed by arguments for the format string. Return -1 if the tnt_object_vformat() function fails.

Fields that are set in tnt_request:

const char * key;
const char * key_end;
struct tnt_stream * key_object; // set by `tnt_request_set_key_format`
int tnt_request_set_tuple(struct tnt_request *req, struct tnt_stream *obj)
int tnt_request_set_tuple_format(struct tnt_request *req, const char *fmt, ...)

Set a tuple (both tuple start and end) for UPDATE/EVAL/CALL from a stream.

Or set a tuple using the print-like function tnt_object_vformat(). Take fmt format string followed by arguments for the format string. Return -1 if the tnt_object_vformat() function fails.

  • For UPDATE, the tuple is a stream object with operations.
  • For EVAL/CALL, the tuple is a stream object with arguments.

Fields that are set in tnt_request:

const char * tuple;
const char * tuple_end;
struct tnt_stream * tuple_object;  // set by `tnt_request_set_tuple_format`
int tnt_request_set_expr(struct tnt_request *req, const char *expr, size_t len)
int tnt_request_set_exprz(struct tnt_request *req, const char *expr)

Set an expression (both expression start and end) for EVAL from a string.

If the function <...>_exprz is used, then length is calculated using strlen(str)(). Otherwise, len is the expression’s length (in bytes).

Return -1 if expr is not tnt_request_evaluate().

Fields that are set in tnt_request:

const char * key;
const char * key_end;
struct tnt_stream * key_object; // set by `tnt_request_set_exprz`
int tnt_request_set_func(struct tnt_request *req, const char *func, size_t len)
int tnt_request_set_funcz(struct tnt_request *req, const char *func)

Set a function (both function start and end) for CALL from a string.

If the function <...>_funcz is used, then length is calculated using strlen(str)(). Otherwise, len is the function’s length (in bytes).

Return -1 if func is not tnt_request_call().

Fields that are set in tnt_request:

const char * key;
const char * key_end;
struct tnt_stream * key_object; // set by `tnt_request_set_funcz`
int tnt_request_set_ops(struct tnt_request *req, struct tnt_stream *s)

Set operations (both operations start and end) for UPDATE/UPSERT from a stream.

Fields that are set in tnt_request:

const char * key;
const char * key_end;
int tnt_request_set_index_base(struct tnt_request *req, uint32_t index_base)

Set an index base (field offset) for UPDATE/UPSERT.

Field that is set in tnt_request:

int index_base;

Manipulating a request

uint64_t tnt_request_compile(struct tnt_stream *s, struct tnt_request *req)

Compile a request into a stream.

Return -1 if bad command or can’t write to stream.

void tnt_request_free(struct tnt_request *req)

Free a request object.